Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sugar and Spice

The elves are busy today at Jim's studio..........love this time of the year! Time to thank you to many people that have partnered with us along the way - making 2011 a wonderful year! Steph, Jim and I would like to say thank you. Lots of fun times and we so look forward to much, much more.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Maybe early for a MONDAY???

This may seem like an unusual thing to post on a Monday mid-day, but I simply love this shot that Jim did. He worked on a whole underwater series which I just fell in love with, the minute that I saw the series............the action is amazing! We have a bunch more, if this is of interest to you.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Simplicity is sometimes really, really nice............

Playing with tires, a cardboard box, bubble wrap, sticks - just normal stuff ............ can sometimes bring SO much enjoyment. Life is meant to be jam packed full of love, passion, fun, adventure. Kids seem to be able to see things much clearer than adults. It is, what it is. Right? Shouldn't we all be so lucky to live life that way. Carrie works hard to capture some of those simple pleasures in life - those moments, that if you don't catch them quick, they will pass you by. So stop and smell the roses and don't let those turkeys get you down. Life is short, have fun and keep it simple.


Monday, October 3, 2011

Personality is packed within.........a little passion doesn't hurt either!

Since meeting and working with Joshua, I have come to realize how personal someone's bike really is. I mean, avid bike riders are on their bikes for hours a day and I really think they show a lot of personality about who the person is. Joshua rides a ton and has really found an incredible way to allow two passions to collide. Interestingly, many of my photographers have passions that they showcase through their photography. This month, I am going to focus on some of that "love" and "passion." Gotta love passion!


Monday, September 19, 2011

Pizza, who doesn't like...........PIZZA???

Jim shot this great creative job with a designer friend and Jenny's pizza, which is a great place right near Bunker Hill, in Boston. Many may react.......really, a small pizza joint? My response, a resounding YES! It was a great experience. A client that was open to all kinds of suggestions and thoughts, a fun day of photography exploration and in the end - some fantastic shots that have incredible energy and the "YUM Factor." That is what I love about Jim's work...........fun and yummy!!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Quality Time............

As Joshua said, this shot is what it is all about. We need to find quality time in our lives to spend with those we love, doing what we love to do. Although we all have a lot of work to do and it matters, our health and happiness matter too, REALLY MATTER. Take a moment and think about that while you are in the thick of things. Make sure that you are focusing on the right things, taking a moment to reflect on what is of the utmost importance. Life and living it to its fullest and letting those around us know how much they mean to us. Embrace life!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I truly think that these kiddos must be the excited ones....school is starting, maybe the mom and the dad are cheering them on too? In my household, it has been abuzz about the new teachers, the new year and all of the fun stuff that lies ahead. So hey, if they want to jump on their bed because they can't hold back their enthusiasm - so be it! YEAH for back to school!!!


Monday, August 22, 2011

Peaches and Cream ~ YUM!

At this time of year - I can't help but think of recipes that involve peaches, especially Freestone Peaches. I can't tell you exactly why - but seriously, if you have not had them before - go get them! Here is an article that was just in the Boston Globe Magazine this past weekend ~ all about peaches. Some fantastic recipes by Adam Reid, shot by Jim Scherer and styled by Catrine Kelty.



Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's just another dog day...........

The question would be, is she walking the dogs or are they walking her??? It's pretty funny to me because that's often how I feel when I walk my dog ~ and he's a little guy! What personalities our four legged friends have, love them!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Going to the DOGS........

Topher recently did a production down in the Caribbean and it was amazing. All of the work looks so real that I think the client even questioned it! The dogs were fabulous and are heroes, but aren't they heroes almost all of the time? I have enjoyed working with animals for shoots, over the years, and give loads of credit to them and to their handlers ~ who have worked tireless hours with these fabulous dogs. That said, I am sure the trainers have gotten back the love two~fold from their special friends.

This also brings to mind how much of a role animals play in our everyday lives. Animals are SO intertwined with families and in many cases - are our families! I think of how much I love having our dog, Frasier, and recently some friends have lost their "dogs" ~ the family members. This loss is profound and I feel for them. Prayers and good thoughts are needed for our friends ~ fury and otherwise.

This post is in honor of Levi and Wilbur...........you were amazing animals ~ thank you for all you did to fill lives with love, hope and dreams!!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Dogs, Walks and girls............

Well, on these "dog days" of Summer - I certainly hope that all the doggies are getting taken care of and meeting with LOTS of love and long walks with their owners. Susan and Nicholas seem to find a cool way of pulling these shots together, producing them - but still feeling like the expected "real life" moments. Take a look at more of their work..........


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wine and berries, only things missing............chocolate!

There is something to be said for simple tastes. Wine & berries, what a perfect combination of flavors, aromas, colors, tones ~ pure appetite appeal. Envision your afternoon break with something healthy and yummy!


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Medical Stuff ~ and it's ALL produced, how cool is that???

Topher has created an incredible relationship with this medical client and is a great problem solver. When the situation needs to be just right, he and his crew can make it happen. Take a look at his work when you have a chance.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Drinks, drinks and more drinks..............

Oh my goodness, it's a hot one out there folks! Please stay hydrated and, sit in front of the computer in your AC and look at Eric Kulin's cool work...........why not? Of course, that's if you can't be in a pool, sprinkler, lake or sitting at the ocean!


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Agency Access & Amanda Sosa Stone on DIRECT MAIL

Direct Mail That Worked

Question: What key elements make a direct mail piece successful and grab attention?

I believe the key elements for a good direct mail piece to be universal to any market. I have had the opportunity to receive amazing mail campaigns from the agency world as well as the good fortune to work with clients from around the world who do outstanding work. I know what has worked for me in the past and what is currently working for my clients. Here are the four basic KEY elements for any successful direct mail piece.

1. A Great Image

This should go without saying, but I am going to say it again: If you are going to spend money on a large mail campaign, which is always a significant investment, you must send the BEST of the BEST. I remember one of my favorite direct mail pieces I received over a decade ago from Henry Horenstein. The images are stunning! I have kept this promotion for years. I also really love the impactful beauty and strength of the latest mailer from Coolife Studio - the still life photography team of Carole Beaupré and Pauline Rochas:

The Marketing Lab Coolife by Carole & Pauline 01 resized 600

The Marketing Lab Coolife by Carole & Pauline 02 resized 600

The Marketing Lab Coolife by Carole & Pauline 03 resized 600

The Marketing Lab Coolife by Carole & Pauline 04 resized 600

2. An Interactive Piece

My mentor always taught me this. While interactive might mean “internet" to you in this case it means that you are involved in and part of the actual direct mail campaign. Aaron Fallon took his campaign and made sure there was more to the piece. It functions as a holder for his promos, a business card and offers some insight into his personality – while showing an additional image:

The Marketing Lab Aaron Fallon Photography 01 resized 600

The Marketing Lab Aaron Fallon Photography 02 resized 600

The Marketing Lab Aaron Fallon Photography 03 resized 600

The Marketing Lab Aaron Fallon Photography 04 resized 600

3. A Clear, Visual Communication

Be sure your target market understands what you are selling. What is your visual style? Here, Patrick Molnar clearly states his strength in lifestyle photography. Be sure to communicate it clearly, effectively, and consistently. Pat put together the entire booklet supporting his work, style, and his end product:

The Marketing Lab Patrick Molnar Photograpy 01 resized 600

The Marketing Lab Patrick Molnar Photograpy 02 resized 600

The Marketing Lab Patrick Molnar Photograpy 03 resized 600

4. A Good List

Knowing how many pieces you can print starts with knowing what you can afford. Once you have a working number of how many people you can afford to send to, use that number to build a targeted list of people. I use this formula when building my clients' lists:

  • People you have worked with and want to keep as a client,
  • People you have connected with in the past (meetings or shown interest),
  • People who click through to your site from your electronic promotions,
  • Your dream clients and,
  • "IF" you can afford it - the top buyers and creatives that work in your TARGETED markets.

Use these four elements and your investment in your company will be a wise one.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Doctors CAN be cool..........well, we think so ~ sometimes.

John just has a thing for working with people that normally aren't the "easiest" people to photograph. Not that there is anything wrong with professional doctors, authors, financial wizards, etc..............it's simply that sometimes they don't like being in front of the camera. John has this incredible knack of making everyone feel comfortable and he always brings back "the" shot. Seriously, he does. He's masterful at making people feel right at home - whether it is a full day shoot OR ten minutes, because that is all they have to give. He makes it happen.

See more of John's work.........I think you'll be impressed. Really.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Summertime appointments............

Summertime has actually been VERY busy for appointments, yahoo! I have really enjoyed running around and visiting people. It's been kind of laid back, which has been quite nice for truly getting to hang out with creatives and talk about our photographers, their work and mutual interest in projects and such. I think that appointments during this kind of a situation is really ideal. Thank you to the many agencies that have open their doors and welcomed me inside. Thank you to the many creatives that have brought me in and made me feel very comfortable. Now ~ let's see the fruits of the labor!! I hope.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Copyright.........it REALLY matters.

Please take a moment and look at some conversations regarding Jay Maisel defending his copyright ................here are two comments that I believe are worth your time:



Friday, July 8, 2011

NBA LOCKOUT...........whatever.

I love this shot of Joshua's. Simple, clean, dramatic - awesome lighting. Basically, whether the lockout continues for the NBA and/or the NFL..........sports an sports photography will keep on happening and Joshua will be there. Great stuff. Love it..........Hey Joshua, what's the next ride?


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How to Succeed with Competitive Bidding

When the call comes in for you to put together a bid for a project, how do you handle it? Do you ask the right questions to create an estimate that’s going to give you the best advantage for winning the project? It’s okay to ask questions and in fact, I encourage it wholeheartedly. Ask questions like: Who is your competition? What’s the budget or range? Will the lowest bid win the job or will it be a combination of bid and creative choice? Does the creative have a first choice to win the project? You may feel uncomfortable being so forward, but if you want to put together a suitable bid, making sure that you have asked enough questions to appropriately prepare your estimate is KEY to winning the bid.

Where to Start

When you first start putting an estimate together, I recommend starting with the hard expenses. These are the items that you must have to do the job, like: crew members, digital files, equipment rentals, location or studio needs. After you’ve got these costs together, you can then start thinking about the other items that support these requirements, including props, surfaces and wardrobe, talent, and stylists.

All about Competitive Bidding

Competitive bidding doesn’t mean undercharging so much that you don’t get the budget you need to competently complete the project. Your estimate needs to demonstrate that you clearly understand the creative vision and goals and show that you can smartly problem-solve the project. As well, you need to be able to speak to the line items in your estimate to show how they solve your client’s problem. I suggest making it clear that you really want to discuss your ideas with the art buyer, producer and/or creative once you’ve submitted your estimate.

You’re Worth Your Fees

Fees are line items where you need to carefully consider a number of factors. Be sure to consider: the type of usage that your client is asking for, who the client is, the complexity of the project, the amount of time the project will take from prep work to completion and last, the relationship you have, or want to develop with the client. ALL of these pieces need to play a role in your determination of the fees for projects you estimate.

A Final Note

A good thing to find out is what role the client sees you having on the project. This will help you understand how much leadership you’ll need to provide. Also, think about how, creatively fulfilling the project is - is it something you would just die to shoot? Just because today’s market is terribly competitive doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t value your work, usage, creative perspective or time. DO NOT sell yourself short, but balance all of these pieces and factor them in to create an informed, fact-based decision.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This is a place I could REALLY enjoy!

So, you know those assignments that you get where you really need to pinch yourself? This would be one of those. What an awesome assignment! Resort shooting can be quite rigorous, but quite fulfilling too. Joshua enjoyed all that was asked of him for this project and got a lot out of it. To see more of Joshua's WANDERLUST..........take a look at his site.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Time to play in the Chicken Coop???

Recently, a number of friends have decided to start "mothering" a chicken coop and I must say that it certainly has provided many stories to be shared. One story came through this morning on Facebook.........."Who broke into our chicken coop?" I guess I haven't made it down that path yet to start caring for farm animal chickens because I am always running around after my "children" chickens! These friends are amazing and I give them a TON of kudos for the chicken coops. Carrie had a lot of fun with the little chicks on this shoot for Pink Chicken. Take a look at more of her work.........lots of fun!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bacon, Sausage ~ lots o' Protein!!

So, Denny's has decided to "NOT" embrace the health food craze, but has instead embraced the "Fat of the Land" or so says Adweek's Andrew McMains. "Baconalia" is the new push for seven of their new dishes. I think they must have missed some of Jim's work regarding pork. Thought you might enjoy and if you know someone over at Denny's - let them know too! :)


Friday, May 13, 2011

Something blue, for the gorgeous blue skies I see........

On a beautiful Friday, why not have a fun shot to post. Bright colors, fun drink, sunshine outside - it just feels like the right image to share. Enjoy! Eric just had fun shooting some drink shots, just because. Sometimes it's great to have shots - just because.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chocolate Milk and cake sounds pretty good to me!

I simply enjoy just about anything AND everything that Jim shoots. There is something completely yummy about so many of his imagery and that is the secret to his success, I believe. Maybe I am partial, but seriously it is enticing! Take a look at more of his work - you will want him to shoot something for you, just so you can use ALL of your senses. Enjoy!


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scones and a spot of tea?

In honor of the ROYAL WEDDING tomorrow, don't you think it's appropriate for some british traditions? I have gotten all of my pastries ready for the morning. Scones, biscuits, tea, mimosas, juice and finger sandwiches................maybe Jim will be ready in a pinch too!


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Squirrel Nut Zippers.............fun times!

Joshua has spent a lot of time on the road, whether it be with musicians, biking or flying off somewhere. His time spent with the Squirrel Nut Zippers always proved for some great shots. You can see more of Joshua's work on his site - which includes a ton of musical imagery. Enjoy!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday morning food............definitely!

So, it's Monday - and it has been a long weekend, for multiple reasons. Doesn't this just look yummy? I think I have made a decision about food I will be having......shortly. Going to join me? See more of Jim's work............


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wet. Very, very wet.

Jim got really focused on working with items that were tied with water. Ice, streams, condensation, boiling, frozen window panes, bubbles........really interesting studies or texture. This is an example from one of those studies. Great work Jim.........interested in seeing more? Let me know.


Monday, April 4, 2011

One more run?

Joshua really has found a passion in shooting all types of sports. He's an outdoor guy, that enjoys being with people and making really cool things happen. Think he's got a few more runs planned before the season is gone till next winter. And you?

Take a look at some of the projects that Joshua has been working on, maybe you all could hook up on a project - OR - find a compatible hobby?


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring, can't you come???

This shoot of Susan & Nicholas' make me long for Spring and then Summer. I'm not that greedy - just could use a little warmth right about now. Double Image Studios' images always seem to emote warm feelings.......whether the images are portraits or lifestyle. The shots pull you right on in and make the viewer feel comfortable. Love that!


Friday, March 25, 2011

Guess signs don't count, sometimes..............

Joshua has an eye to catch those quirky things that some would just miss. Certainly makes you chuckle though. With many of the great relationships that he has formed with bands, it has given him unprecedented access to the members, on-stage and behind. This just happened to be one of those moments that he got to capture. This also is the image he has in the Workbook that was released in March 2011. Enjoy!


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chocolate & Mint - YUM!!!!

We are very fortunate to have an excellent relationship with Dunkin Donuts and their agency. It's an absolute pleasure to be a part of the creativity and branding for this client and we love having the opportunity to enjoy all of their yummy products too. Have you seen all of the new offerings that Dunkin has? Something for everyone!

Thanks Dunkin!


Monday, March 21, 2011

Carrie & Ava........traveling godesses!

Amazingly, Carrie does it all ~ she always keeps me on my toes! She has been traveling with Ava and Aaron and a long the way - sending some fabulous work and getting ready to post some. Keep your eyes peeled!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sun Gods..........

Joshua tends to get the best gigs. Working with the boys, out in the heat of the desert - catching rays and some great shots. Nice way to get to work on band promotions! I want in. Joshua, need someone to carry your bags???


Friday, January 28, 2011

Popovers.........Souffles........Yorkshire Pudding ~ what FABULOUS treats!

I have always been a sucker for Popovers, ever since my grandmother introduced them to me when I was little. There is something completely yummy about a puff of warm carbs. Put a little butter or some savory jam and it is exquisite. Think some cooking and baking might need to be on hand for this weekend. If you need some ideas.......check out some more of Jim Scherer's work on his site. Happy Tasting!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy New Year ~ 2011..........how is it 2011???

So, with the New Year, yes - there have been resolutions. Many for you too, I am sure. My plan is to celebrate all the great things going on. I am fortunate to work with some spectacular people and how cool is that? Now I just need to continue to make sure that the word is spread to all of you about all of my wonderful photographers. Please take a look at our work and celebrate all the good stuff!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Yummy Stew for the games this weekend!!!

So, I am sure that you all are planning some time in front of the tube this weekend, between the games and the Golden Globes - you'd be nuts NOT to have some TV time planned. This stew that Jim shot for the Boston Globe Magazine might just be the perfect pairing. If this doesn't excite you - take a look at some of the other work that Jim has done.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Comfy Clothing for the New Year!!

Well, it's been a while since my last post - I think that is just because it came to the crazy, busy time of year where all sides of life collided. Hence - the hectic took over, but now I am back and full steam ahead, but still would like to snuggle in comfy clothes. Is that so wrong??? I don't think so. Kiddos get special days at school that seem to help them strive to success - so adults should get those days too. Susan & Nicholas strive for capturing all of those "moments" in life that we all experience, but sometimes we can't grab it. They can.

Take a look at their work and let them capture those moments for you, and your client
