Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Day to Celebrate!!!


So, many people would say, a day to celebrate, why??  Well, my response is, why not?

Shouldn't every day be a little bit of a celebration?

There is a Creative Director that I met years ago, when I first moved up to Boston.  I didn't get to work with him very long, but he was one of those people that you just liked.  He was capable, pleasant, had fun and seemed to be the life of the party.  Move forward years and put some distance between my old agency job and this guy, who now works out in the Midwest.  Facebook, yes - that horrible thing called social media, brought us back together.  He posts things that truly help me focus on being a better person.  I welcome his comments and quotes.  He always makes me stop & think and to celebrate each and every day.

His recent post, "Sometimes it's okay if the only thing you did today was breathe" made me stop and say......he's right!  Celebrate today and yesterday and tomorrow, when it comes.......for each day is a gift.  Thank you, Scott O'Leary.

Celebrate today and breathe.

Eat Well. Live Happy.