Friday, June 2, 2017

Hope ~ I speak for the trees..........

A sign of Summer, dare I say?  I'm hopeful.

Not hopeful for dandelions, but hopeful for days outside.  Days for shooting on locations locally and making some awesome things happen for clients where we don't necessarily need to travel.  Yes, of course, there will be plenty of days in the studio, that's a given......but days outside, anywhere are wonderful to me.  I feel blessed to be a part of this big blue marble.

Our WORLD is beautiful.  I love the beauty of nature and here we are, challenging our society to have the WORLD do it without the USA's support.  Well, that will not be me.  I stand and speak for the trees.........Unless someone like YOU cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better.  It's not.  ~  The Lorax.

So - enjoy our world and please, have a voice..........we always seem to find it to use in our industry anyway.  Now is the time.  Celebrate and save our beautiful world.