Friday, March 23, 2012

Cookstove Films and Rodney Rascona on assignment

Cookstove Films

Rodney Rascona & Russ & Scott & Chuck & Kendall & Phil & Michael 
and 3 billion people breathing nasty smoke.

Rodney and his production team have been  busily working on an important film for the UN Foundation, Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves in Kenya.  Here was a recent post at the close of the first portion of the project.  Good work Team!

Back from Torbi, overnight in Marsabit.

Short post to start, but look for a lot more over the next two days. We’re back from the shoot in Torbi, overnighting in Marsabit on our way back to Nairobi. Though we obviously cannot post much here in Marsabit (super slow internet), I’ll get to it when we’re in Nairobi. But, the shoot was EXCELLENT, the experience unforgettable, and the people we met and who shared their lives with us bring new meaning to the word generous. More soon. And everyone on the the team sends their love and appreciation to their families, friends and all those who helped make this possible.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Marketing.........oh yeah!


It is the bane of our existence in the photography/advertising/commercial industry, isn't it?  It is somewhat a necessary evil that I wish didn't need to exist, but I understand the push and pull of needing to get it done.  It is an important element, so people out there know about you, your capabilities, what you shoot, how you work and basically - YOU!

I can't say that years ago in High School or even College,  I ever thought that I would be marketing myself or others.  That simply wasn't one of the things that I got taught when I was in school, but quickly after getting out into the "real world" - I got it.

So, Joshua Weinfeld, one of my photographers is getting into the marketing rhythm, direct mail, e-mail blasts, personal emails, calls, follow-up and more........the wonderful myriad of ways to reach out to others and say, "look at me, look at me!!"  Although, in Joshua's case and in my humble opinion, all of my photographers ~ you SHOULD look at them.  They are AWESOME!  Capable photographers with skills that make you marvel and personalities that make the experiences enjoyable and quality people that make you glad that they are a part of your life.  Seriously.

I guess marketing CAN be a good thing, especially when it can introduce or re-introduce good people that are incredible photographers, that can help you create KILLER work!
