Monday, February 1, 2021

Watching for open doors

2020 was a year that none of us will soon forget, and 2021 is providing open doors and opportunities.  Challenges can be negative or positive, but how we approach each issue speaks to our thoughts about outcomes.  I am CHOOSING to find the positive.  I would encourage all of you to CHOOSE to find the positive and the open door.  Jim Flynn sent through this image to me and immediately I was drawn to it.  It feels like it is filled with symbols.  A black & white image helping me to keep focus.  Gates that are open for a new journey to begin.  No one is evident because the choice is ours to make, alone and once we make our decision then our supporters will come out of the woodwork.

So here is to positivity, open doors, working hard and looking for opportunities.  I look forward to all of the collaborations that are ahead, so let's get going!